• duration


  • For

    & New Mothers

  • Goal

    Prepare for Postpartum

  • Video/Audio

    3 hours

    Postpartum Bodies:

    Preparing for the First Six Weeks After Birth

    In this course you'll find both a welcoming and nuanced approach to preparing for the postpartum season with ten greatly admired experts in the postpartum field bringing you refined, tangible insights and action steps to feel supported during this tender time. Our intention is for this experience to bring more ease and flow into your postpartum journey. The more prepared you can be with the right tools, options, and knowledge, the smoother those first weeks and months can feel.

    Take what you need, and leave the rest. This course never expires, and offers exclusive access to a global network of new mothers sharing their past and present experiences from their unique birth & postpartum stories. Each course member also receives Milky Oat's digital catalog of 40+ postpartum recipes! 
    postpartum bodies is your well of support

    Prepare for your cocoon.

    Write your awesome label here.

    What's included?

    7 Interactive Postpartum
    Planning Modules

    40 Milky Oat Curated Postpartum Recipes

    Exclusive Access to "Postpartum Bodies" Community Group

    Video Teachings from 10 Beloved Postpartum Experts

    Our Essential Postpartum Companion E-Book

    Guided Audio & Video
    Self-Care Menu

    Postpartum Bodies Modules

    Start Planning Your Postpartum Journey

    Step into postpartum with confidence.

    Postpartum Bodies focuses on your healing, wellbeing, and self-care, ensuring you thrive in the early days of motherhood.

    Postpartum is Significant.

    Sydney Bliss

    Your guide
    Sydney Bliss is an Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula, Certified Lactation Coach, Mothers' Chef, Women's Yoga Therapist specializing in Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga, and mother.

    From intimate kitchens in San Francisco to the dreamy seascape stovetop in West Marin, Sydney felt the call to expand her reach by starting her own Postpartum Meal Delivery company, Milky Oat, before beginning her own journey to motherhood.

    Sydney believes in community supported care and collaboration to convey the message that all Postpartum Bodies deserve ceremonial tending, rest, nourishment, and support. She is thrilled to offer messages of nuance from experts in the field on her own mission to Nourish Motherhood.
    A nuanced approach to postpartum care

    Your Guest Teachers

    Krista Tarantino

    Registered PP Nurse & IBCLC Lactation Consultant

    Postpartum Partners in the Cocoon

    Krista opens the world of postpartum up to partners. How do we prepare our partners for this new normal? How can we support our partners to feel useful, helpful, and purposeful during this time? How do we create the container for additional support so that our partners don't burn out?

    Kiana Reeves

    Certified Somatic Sex Educator & Doula

    Sex, Intimacy & Connection After Birth

    Kiana's insights on sex and intimacy after birth help to normalize natural proclivities while also bolstering tangible practices to incorporate into not only the first six weeks after birth but up to the first two years. Gain insight beyond the "clearance" from your healthcare provider that you can resume sex after six weeks.

    Caitlin Dyer

    Registered Nurse, Hypnobirthing Practitioner, & Doula

    Postpartum Body Physiology

    Caitlin shares the profound physiological changes and recovery needs of the postpartum body. In the initial hours after birth, oxytocin, endorphins, and prolactin are elevated, enhancing bonding, mood, and milk production while uterine contractions inhibit bleeding. Understand the days and weeks after birth in the body to better support your own recovery.

    Brittany Chambers

    Integrative Infant Sleep Guide

    Infant Sleep Support
    Brittany provides neuroscience-backed infant sleep education. So many of us are underprepared for supporting our baby's best sleep. We often lean into the wrong narrative before landing in our sweet spot. Infant sleep is nuanced. Welcome to sleep without sleep training. Integrative Infant Sleep gets at the root cause of sleep struggles. It's an investigative, collaborative, empowering approach that honors your baby's individuality.

    Joelleen Winduss Paye

    IBCLC Holistic Lactation Consultant

    Create Your Breastfeeding Plan

    Joelleen shares an intro to the preparatory guide that she teaches to all of her clients: what to expect, and how to care for the breasts during this time. Maybe you’ve never heard of the idea of making a breastfeeding plan in advance, but it can be super helpful when the time comes!

    Princess McKinney-Kirk

    Doula & Belly Binding Practitioner

    Support the Bely 
    Princess shares a simple tutorial of Bengkung Belly Binding to support the recovering abdomen after birth. Your belly expanded to create the space needed to accommodate your growing baby. With the proper care, rest, and support in the first six weeks after birth, we allow for the natural healing process to occur. 

    Anietie Ukpe-Wallace

    Holistic Pelvic Health Therapist

    Holistic Pelvic Care

    Dr. Tia provides wisdom and practical tips to better understand the pelvic floor. She shares holistic care practices to support this area after birth. Many of us have fears related to the pelvic region and what is to become of it after birth. Now is a good time to shed that fear through empowering knowledge.

    Amy Mitchell

    Licensed Acupuncturist 

    Amy shares a simple 5-10 minutes ritual to activate key acupressure points relating to common postpartum issues - fatigue, digestive discomfort, anxiety, insomnia and depression among them.The healing art of acupressure offers tremendous support to moms seeking restoration after the life-changing journey of pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

    Erica Rachel Galia

    Rooted Beings Guide

    A Conscious Reset

    Erica shares simple practices for the marathon of new motherhood to allow vital energy and patience to regenerate. The act of stepping away from stimulation lets the senses recalibrate. Stress hormones dissipate while feel-good endorphins flood the system with each conscious inhale. 

    Our Sponsors

    Exclusive access

    40 Curated recipes

    Postpartum Bodies

    Recipe Zine

    Give yourself the tools to nourish yourself deep into postpartum when the initial support has ended.

    Includes a Postpartum Pantry List, Sips, Lactation Snacks, Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, & more.
    Write your awesome label here.

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